
~Personalized End-Of-Life-Care~
"The more we incorporate death into daily existence, the easier it can be to accept and celebrate it."
-Alma Doula
We offer free consultations for any of our services.
Get to know Alma Doula

As a death doula I practice seeing the ways that death exists in, and around, us every day. This attunement lets me empathize deeply with the many ways we experience the transition of dying, both individually and relationally. And the range of emotions that are so naturally present - the sense of loss, of uncertainty, and of profound grief. I observe the kind of care we offer to the dying, the ways we help our loved ones across, and ultimately how we die, and I honour each part of the process. I have come to learn that if we can move through our end of life from a place of empowered curiosity, we can come to see it as an incredibly meaningful time of self-reflection and transformation. My dedication as a death doula is to guide, honour, and care for those who have arrived at this potent time to a relationship with their ultimate transition that is connective, loving, and dignifying.
As a practitioner and experienced observer of death and of dying, I am qualified to provide diverse services to help clients peacefully transition. My practice as a death doula is supported by many years of training and experience as a professional dancer and somatic movement practitioner, and my ongoing work with people experiencing houselessness. I believe everyone deserves a caring witness while approaching death, and I uphold this belief by providing individualized, anti-oppressive, trauma informed, one-on-one care.
I was certified as a death doula through the Institute of Traditional Medicine (Toronto, Canada) in 2021.
"Death is the portal to life."

As a Death Doula I facilitate experiences of listening, care, and togetherness with honesty and empathy. Guiding people through gentle body exercises, leading them into deeper somatic connections with their bodies and emotions so we can remain present with our loved ones as they pass.
When we’re inspired to tune into our emotional selves, we learn to allow space to explore the meaning of our mortality from a place of empowerment. When we feel held and supported in the ultimate time of uncertainty, it can help to eliminate our fear of the unknown.
Sitting bedside means supporting individuals through the vast emotional spaces that can occur during our last days. Based upon the individuals needs this can be done through things like talking, gentle massage, meditation, somatic experiencing, and listening.
Sitting vigil can look different for each individual. During this time a safe, comfortable and calm space is cultivated to make the individuals passage as peaceful as possible. Sitting vigil often takes place in the imminent moments of a transition.
*Sliding-Scale is also available to individuals who require financial assistance.
In home funerals are becoming increasingly popular for their affordability. People have often found having the extra time to be with their loved ones after their passage has helped give more meaning to their grief.
If you are interested in an In-Home funeral, contact us for more information.
Green Burials have become very popular and there are now more options then ever. Things like pine shrouds, tree pods, cremation, and alkaline hydrolysis are all legal options in Ontario. If you are interested in a green burial there is a lot to plan for. Get in touch if you have questions.
In-home funerals $250.00 flat rate
$45.00/hr if over 5 hours.
Green Burial Support- $50.00
We host a monthly grief support group online. This is a safe space designated to exploring the curiosities and intricacies of our grief.
$ Pay-What-You-Can
Being prepared for our passing moments can be a huge source of support and relief to our loved ones. Having our affairs in order can provide space for our loved ones to be present with their grief. We can help you prepare for these moments.
We offer free consultations.
Hamilton, Ontario
Attiwandaronia, Turtle Island
Phone: 514.443.2291